Hygiene at office Keeping clean and COVID-safe

Commercial cleaners across Australia have largely been doing their work the same way for many years now. In a matter of weeks, COVID safety has become a significant concern, and that has changed the standard drastically. The virus changed commercial cleaning standards because it is highly infectious, which means that it can easily be spread across work surfaces and areas. Commercial cleaners in Sydney have still been as busy as ever, even with many corporate workspaces opting for a work from home model. Efficent Cleaning is a trusted name in commercial cleaning, and it has committed its staff to helping our clients stay healthy in the office while sharing shared workspaces. Let us tell you how we are actively creating healthy and sanitary work environments for customers in Sydney and beyond. You may find some helpful tips for office safety that will provide peace of mind…
How to prepare the office for returning staff in COVID-times?
2022 is a brand new year, and you may be considering a fully-staffed return to the office. There are a few steps you can take as a property manager or owner to keep the office as safe as possible. There are a few preventative and ongoing measures you can begin to implement, and we’ve listed some of them below:
Place disinfecting wipes and sanitisers
It is now time to increase the availability of products that staff can use throughout the day. This means placing and consistently refilling products like disinfecting wipes and hand sanitisers on the premises. You may need to consider informative signs or a brief training session so that everyone knows how to use them effectively. For more heavy-duty sanitisation across surfaces, you’ll need to look for professional office cleaning services to regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces. Doing this is already a step in the right direction towards improving disinfecting procedures within the office to limit the spread of harmful germs and bacteria in the workplace.
Introduce hands-free or touch-reducing facilities
This will require that you set aside some money in the commercial spending budget. Look into installing hands-free amenities like swinging doors, touchless-key pads for entry and motion sensor lights. There’s nothing as effective as interventions like these towards reducing the spread of germs in high-traffic areas. When it comes to the work that professionals do, you need to consider more serious cleaning and disinfecting in personal seating or space. A team of commercial cleaners can clean equipment, workstations, and surfaces on a regular basis.
Follow health authority recommendations
Your best bet is also to rely on advice from the authorities on the matter. The World Health Organization, for example, has detailed information available to all, which describes simple ways to limit the spread of COVID in the workplace. Not only that, but it goes as far as recommending protocols for the meetings and events and response procedures if there are positive cases in the community.
What is COVID cleaning?
Safety, cleanliness, and hygiene standards have changed for commercial cleaners operating in Australia. This has required that we implement more thorough COVID-cleaning procedures for our clients. COVID cleaning refers to specific techniques, tools, and protocols to effectively eliminate contagious germs by disinfecting and sanitising workspaces.
This standard of services is required because we have renewed focus on stopping all commercial spaces from becoming breeding grounds and relatively safe environments for everyone to work in. Employees will feel more comfortable working in areas that receive specialised cleaning to give them peace of mind. They’ll also feel all the more productive in these challenging times. COVID cleaning will closely stick to some of the following principles:
Health authority verified procedures and protocols
Your commercial cleaner should be implementing and staying up to date with formal recommendations from authorities about cleaning and hygiene practices for the workplace. Consult with them so that you can check that they are sticking to a meticulous standard of COVID cleaning, which will be helpful to you as an employer. Their techniques should prove to be full-proof at keeping the virus away from your premises. There is advice available from Australia’s health department, the CDC, and even global bodies like WHO. They offer authoritative COVID cleaning guidelines for public use.
Thorough cleaning with disinfection and sanitisation
Cleaning isn’t just about leaving things smelling fresh and looking shiny anymore. Now, commercial cleaners are responsible for cleaning beneath the surface and effectively killing all germs. These three concepts might look like the same thing, but they are very different, and that’s what we take into account. Cleaning usually involves the act of sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming to clear up immediately visible dirt, dust, and grimes on surfaces. On the other hand, disinfection is the specific process of terminating all germs with the required products. Sanitisation is the work of adding a protective layer to a freshly cleaned premise, giving it additional protection against the accumulation of germs.
COVID-busting supplies and equipment
All of the above principles require that commercial cleaners use the right products. We will use a range of products that may differ between acts of cleaning and sanitisation, for instance. When you hire professionals for your commercial property’s COVID cleaning, they’ll bring all the supplies, solutions, and equipment to do the job right. A company like Efficent Cleaning does its best to always keep up with new updates or upgrades to standard practices in our market.
Efficent Cleaning has expanded its service offering to include COVID-safe techniques to all our customers. We are committed to doing so because we’re a commercial cleaner that won’t settle for average. Give us a call on 1300 28 78 98, and we can discuss a customised COVID cleaning office plan for your premises. We’ve got you covered for all your commercial property cleaning requirements, and we know how to offer competitive pricing. Leave the headache to be trained and experienced professionals to deal with any commercial cleaning requirement. We’ve been servicing clients in Blacktown, Camden, Penrith, Smithfield, Richmond, Springwood, Parramatta, Bankstown, Eastern Creek, Ingleburn and Wetherill Park.